Huangling stunning fall scenery wallpaper si coming !

Since autumn is coming, Huangling is the first place to feel it in China. From September to December, 

This ancient village is full of wonderful autumn sceneries, the pictures are here, remember to save them!

Leaves are red, flowers are yellow, and the autumn scenery is joyful. The bamboo ridge on an autumn day is as beautiful as a poem and a painting. Ancient trees stand proudly in the cold wind. The mountains and wild fields are dyed with layers of color, with red and yellow intertwining in the forest. Adding a rich autumn atmosphere to the mysterious ancient village on the cliff.

Sunbathing in autumn is the ancient village's festive celebration of the fall season.
You see, on the faces of the ladies sunbathing in autumn, there is an abundance of happy smiles. Outside the windows, the drying racks are full of colorful trays. ll that meets the eye is the joy of a bountiful harvest.

The first ray of sunlight climbs the mountain in the distance, the tranquil ancient village bathes leisurely in the sunlight,
The deep blue sky complements the eaves that soar into the air, secluded alleys connect the entire village, every corner exudes the ancient charm of Huizhou.

Slowly savor the colors of the worldly fireworks, leisurely observe the long passage of time in myriad affairs. The cooking smoke in the ancient village is filled with the warmth of human life.
As the autumn wind suddenly rises, it disrupts the autumnal hues of the village. The ancient village seems to be shrouded in mist, as if it were a fairyland in the human realm.

The city has its hustle and bustle, while the ancient village has its tranquility.
You, who are often weary and lost in the city, do you feel exhausted? When you come to Huangling Ancient Village, have you found solace for the homesickness lingering in your heart? Why not let the tranquil ancient village cleanse the fatigue from your soul?
Reignite the passion within, and set forth once again towards the distant horizon in your heart.

Please accept this autumn wallpaper, embed the dreamy autumn scenery of Huangling into your memory.
Carrying expectations, anticipating the next encounter with Huangling~
