The Establishment Conference of the Tourism Village and Town Branch of the China Tourist Attractions Association, along with the Rural Revitalization (Huangling) Outlook Forum, Successfully Held in Huangling, Wuyuan

From April 25th to 27th, 2023, the Establishment Conference of the Tourism Village and Town Branch of the China Tourist Attractions Association, along with the Rural Revitalization (Huangling) Outlook Forum, was successfully held in Huangling, Wuyuan.


On the evening of April 25th, the preparatory meeting, establishment conference, and the first council meeting of the China Tourism Attractions Association Tourism Famous Village and Town Branch were held. Huo Jianjun, Secretary-General of the China Tourism Attractions Association, members of the preparatory group of the Tourism Famous Village and Town Branch, and representatives of 21 member units attended the meeting.


Wu Xiangyang, Chairman of Wuyuan Huangling Cultural Tourism Co., Ltd., was elected as the Chairman of the branch, Xie Chi, Founder and Chairman of Haohao Life Cultural Tourism Group, was elected as the Vice Chairman, and Cao Jinzhong, Executive Deputy General Manager of Wuyuan Huangling Cultural Tourism Co., Ltd., was elected as the Secretary-General.


Subsequently, Huo Jianjun, Secretary-General of the China Tourism Attractions Association, and Wu Xiangyang, Chairman of the Tourism Famous Village and Town Branch and Chairman of Wuyuan Huangling Cultural Tourism Co., Ltd., delivered speeches at the meeting. They expressed their determination to create a new situation for the Tourism Famous Village and Town Branch of the China Tourism Attractions Association and fully affirmed the branch's work plan for the next step, and put forward relevant requirements.


▲ Wu Xiangyang, Chairman of the China Tourism Attractions Association Tourism Famous Village and Town Branch, delivered a speech.


▲ Huo Jianjun, Secretary-General of the China Tourism Attractions Association, summarized the speech.


On April 26th, the Micro Vacation Countryside Revitalization (Huangling) Outlook Meeting was held. Domestic tourism industry leaders, experts and scholars, representatives of 32 famous villages and towns and scenic area association members from 17 provinces and cities across the country gathered in Huangling to tell stories of rural tourism and explore the path of high-quality development of rural tourism.


▲ Wang Chunhui, Deputy Director of the Management Committee of Wuyuan County National Rural Tourism Holiday Resort, delivered a speech.


▲ Wan Kai, Executive Vice Chairman and Secretary-General of the Jiangxi Tourism Association, delivered a speech.

▲ Yao Jun, Chairman of the China Tourism Attractions Association, delivered a speech.


At the meeting, the China Tourism Attractions Association presented a plaque to the Famous Village and Town Branch. Subsequently, Wei Xiaoan, Chief Expert of the World Tourism Cities Federation, and other guests delivered keynote speeches on “Micro Vacation” and “Rural Revitalization,” stating that with the completion of the historical task of poverty alleviation and the rural revitalization becoming a national strategy, micro vacation in rural areas has become an important breakthrough point for rural revitalization. It has created new industries and become an important integration point for urban-rural leisure.


▲ Yao Jun, Chairman of the China Tourism Attractions Association, presented a plaque to the Famous Village and Town Branch.


▲ Wei Xiaoan, Chief Expert of the World Tourism Cities Federation, Deputy Director of the National Leisure Standardization Technical Committee, and President of the China Tourism Association Leisure Vacation Branch, delivered a keynote speech.


▲ Chen Meixian, Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer of Yinji Wenchuang Tourism Group, delivered a keynote speech.


▲ Xie Chi, Chairman of Haohao Life Cultural Tourism Group, delivered a keynote speech.


▲ Wu Xiangyang, Chairman of Wuyuan Huangling Cultural Tourism Co., Ltd., delivered a keynote speech.


▲ Dai Xuefeng, Researcher of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Director of the Tourism and Leisure Research Office of the Institute of Finance and Economics Strategy of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and member of the Expert Committee of the China Tourism Attractions Association, delivered a keynote speech.


After that, Cao Jinzhong, Secretary-General of the China Tourism Attractions Association Tourism Famous Village and Town Branch and Executive Deputy General Manager of Wuyuan Huangling Cultural Tourism Co., Ltd., hosted a case sharing meeting, and Zhang Dandan, General Manager of Henan Sanmenxia Shanzhou Dikengyuan Culture Co., Ltd., and other guests shared and exchanged rural tourism case studies based on their experiences in scenic areas.


▲ Cao Jinzhong, Secretary-General of the China Tourism Attractions Association Tourism Famous Village and Town Branch and Executive Deputy General Manager of Wuyuan Huangling Cultural Tourism Co., Ltd., hosted the case sharing meeting.


▲ Zhang Dandan, General Manager of Henan Sanmenxia Shanzhou Dikengyuan Culture Co., Ltd., shared and exchanged experiences.


The China Tourism Attractions Association Tourism Famous Village and Town Branch Establishment Conference and Micro Vacation Countryside Revitalization (Huangling) Outlook Meeting was successfully held in Wuyuan Huangling from April 25th to 27th. The conference included a preparatory meeting, establishment conference, and the first council meeting of the Tourism Famous Village and Town Branch. Wu Xiangyang was elected as the Chairman of the branch, Xie Chi as the Vice Chairman, and Cao Jinzhong as the Secretary-General.


The Micro Vacation Countryside Revitalization (Huangling) Outlook Meeting took place on April 26th. Representatives from famous villages and towns and scenic area association members across the country gathered in Huangling to discuss rural tourism and explore the path of high-quality development. Plaques were presented to the Famous Village and Town Branch by the China Tourism Attractions Association.

Keynote speeches were delivered by industry experts and guests on topics such as “Micro Vacation” and “Rural Revitalization.” They emphasized the importance of rural revitalization and the role of micro vacations in creating new industries and promoting urban-rural leisure integration.

During the case sharing meeting, guests shared and exchanged experiences in rural tourism based on their work in different scenic areas. The conference aimed to promote the development and revitalization of rural tourism in China.
