Red Maple Season | Huangling Ancient Village Invites You to Join the Autumn Feast

People love autumn because it is the season of harvest.

Since the beginning of autumn, various melons, fruits, and vegetables have ripened successively. The bountiful crops provide people with enough security to face the harsh winter. This time of autumn is busy, with fields filled with the joy of harvest. The grandmothers living in Huangling Ancient Village are also busy—wiping and airing drying racks, washing and drying plates, picking chili peppers, cutting pumpkins—making the most meticulous preparations for the autumn feast.

If you have never been to Huangling, you can't imagine that within the Stone Ear Mountain Range, there is a mysterious village perched on a cliff.

Huangling Ancient Village nestles in the embrace of Stone Ear Mountain. The unique terrain of '地无三尺平' (there is no three-foot flat land) did not deter the industrious and wise people. Hundreds of ancient houses built along the mountainside are arranged in a harmonious manner. The ancient village and the mountains blend seamlessly, composing a wonderful chapter of harmonious coexistence between humans and nature.

If you haven't entered the ancient village, you can't imagine that the autumn drying process in Huangling can be so beautiful.

The ancient village in autumn is bustling. On sunny days, you can see the busy figures of grandmothers on various drying platforms. Looking into the village, every window is adorned with colorful drying trays – fiery red chili peppers, golden chrysanthemums, snow-white kidney beans, and more. Across the white walls and grey tiles of the traditional Huizhou-style buildings, the various trays create a magnificent picture of a mountain village in autumn. At this moment, a wisp of cooking smoke rises from the village, gently swaying with the breeze and adding a touch of disarray to the autumn colors of the village.

Autumn is the season of persimmons. Huangling Ancient Village is scattered with numerous persimmon trees, creating picturesque scenery wherever you look.

The branches are laden with bright orange persimmons, shimmering in the warm light under the sunshine. Against the backdrop of fluttering eaves, a faint sense of nostalgia is evoked. The enticing sweet fragrance of ripe persimmons in the air attracts countless birds, singing in praise of the tranquil beauty of autumn days in the ancient village.

In autumn, the chrysanthemums are in full bloom. The royal chrysanthemums in Wuyuan have reached the harvest season. In the terraced fields, the golden chrysanthemums sway in the gentle breeze, passionately expressing their love for autumn and eagerly anticipating people's harvest.

In the drying trays, the abundant harvest of royal chrysanthemums bathes in the sunlight, greedily absorbing the power of sunlight, withholding their fragrance, waiting for the next glorious bloom.

Placing a royal chrysanthemum in a cup, adding steaming hot water, in the moment of blending water and flower, the refreshing fragrance of the royal chrysanthemum permeates the air. The petals gracefully unfold in the water, displaying the splendid beauty of autumn with their last burst of vitality.

In late autumn, the brilliance of red maple is also present. After the beginning of winter, as temperatures sharply drop, the American red maples slowly shed their green coats, revealing a vivid and enchanting red. Standing on the mountaintop and looking into the distance, maple leaves, persimmons, and pines and cypresses complement each other, creating a stunning and picturesque scene of alternating red and green.

In deep autumn, Huangling becomes the stage for American red maples. The flamboyant red maples proudly stand along the walking trails, resembling diligent sentinels guiding people in the right direction. Beside the path outside the Wuguitang (Five Cinnamon Hall), each red maple tree stretches its branches extravagantly, displaying its unique colors, warmly welcoming every visitor who comes from afar.

The colors of the Chinese pistache trees are even more vibrant, with diamond-shaped leaves in vivid reds and yellows, with a hint of green at the tips. The seeds on the trees, like snowflakes, adorn the leaves. From a distance, it seems as if snow sprites have lost their way in the autumn hues.

Savoring a rural feast brings back memories of a particular kind of homesickness. When you encounter late autumn in Huangling, don't forget to taste the autumn drying feast. The autumn drying feast is not only a distinctive delicacy offered by the people of Huangling to their guests, but also a reverence and continuation of agricultural civilization. Each dish on the drying trays interprets the joy of harvest.

In addition to the rural feast, Huangling Ancient Village is dotted with distinctive local snacks. From the oil-fried lanterns at Wuguitang to the grilled rice cakes and stamped cakes at Yixinlou, and the sweet potato cakes at the Sun-Drying Workshop—every ancient residence harbors snacks that captivate the eyes. The hospitable grandmothers eagerly await your arrival here.

Now, Huangling is in the midst of vibrant autumn colors, the perfect time for enjoying the maple trees. You can take a leisurely stroll along paths covered in red leaves, experiencing the enchanting charm of autumn with trees displaying a riot of colors. In the tranquil afternoon, why not sit in a small courtyard, brew a pot of hot tea under the warm sunlight, prepare some snacks, and savor the joy of life with a few good friends.

As the nighttime temperatures drop sharply, you won't be disappointed with the nourishing hot pot specially offered by Tianjie Shifu. In the steaming pot, there's tenderly stewed lamb. Grabbing a piece and placing it in your mouth, the lamb's unique freshness, coupled with the hot pot's warmth, instantly disperses any lingering chill in your body. The delicious broth, whether for dipping meat slices or vegetables, is incredibly tasty and will surely stimulate your appetite.

How could a delightful autumn trip be complete without soaking in a nourishing hot spring? Huangling's Mountain-leaning Secret Garden Hot Spring is set in a beautiful environment, featuring 8 outdoor garden pools, each with different therapeutic effects. There's surely one pool that can soothe your fatigue. Here, you can stroll along flower-lined paths, enjoy the autumn hues of red maples, find a delightful hot spring, and indulge in a leisurely half-day of relaxation.

This autumn, be sure to catch the autumn sightseeing train in Huangling Ancient Village and attend a delightful autumn feast.
